by Ashley Wingo | Oct 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
I was completely in love with the girls’ idea to be fairies this year, and decided that I’d be a gardener (just to keep the group costume idea going). The boys bailed on dressing up at all pretty early on, but then Cruz recanted. He doesn’t want to be as cool as Jude, he wants candy. I promised him a costume that would get all the candy and more ($5 to be specific) if he’d be a gnome, because every magical garden needs one. And he had zero costume ideas anyway. And I reallllyyyyy wanted someone to wear these eyebrows!!!
When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about and that was the beginning of fairies. -J.M. Barrie
We’re off to trick-or-treat with friends! xxoo
by Ashley Wingo | Oct 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
When you have five minutes to throw together a creepy doll costume, do it. And take lots of pictures.
(Featuring Unreal Chocolates & Alice + Ames)
by Ashley Wingo | Oct 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
So glad to have been invited to photograph the 5th Friends of Bethany Retreat. It definitely goes down as a highlight of 2017. I love all my new friends, so much joy & inspiration in this group!
If you haven’t heard about the work Bethany is doing (alongside her amazing crew of friends) check out Friends of Bethany.
by Ashley Wingo | Jun 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
Can you believe it’s been 20 years since Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was first published?!!
Our family has been long standing Harry Potter fans. We’ve done everything! The books, the movies, had parties, and last but not least on our list was to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter… but with 23 people, and especially with all the little mischievous house elves who make day trips a little more difficult, it didn’t seem like it was gonna happen anytime soon.
So it was nothing short of “real” magic when our (fairy) godparents got everyone to commit to a family vacation earlier this month!! Two days in the park, and staying in a hotel in Hollywood so we could enjoy every moment of the experience.
Don’t worry. We actually know the Chef IRL. (My dad doesn’t usually cuddle with men he doesn’t know.) If you are in Universal Studios, you must eat at The Three Broomsticks. The food was insanely delicious and beautiful and the service was spectacular! THANK YOU CHEF TONY!!!
Half the kids liked the frozen butterbeer best, the other half like the original.
Butterbeer hangover. Stupid Muggle.
We spent a ton of time in Harry Potter, but were able to do almost everything else we wanted to do at Universal too! Ever’s dream is to own a Corgi, so this one from the animal show almost sent her over the edge.
Winners of the largest group awkward family photo award.
All in all, just the best time ever. And now that we have PASSES to Universal, this is just the first of many adventures! Anyone want to meet us at Hogwarts?!
by Ashley Wingo | Jan 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
We had a little surprise addition, just 6 weeks after big sister Willaby joined our bunny family, Winter Thaddeus made his arrival! The kids went back and forth on names, and I had to talk them down from Winter Hades… because, um… but props to them for trying to stick with a Greek theme (mommy and daddy bunnies are Apollo & Sirena).
*Bunny Wedding can be found HERE!