Last year, my brother’s family moved to the far off lands of New Mexico. If you know me, you’ve heard me lament my nephews being abducted… by their parents…because they were moving, lol. Long and short of it – we miss them! In fact, we missed them so much, that we decided last minute to up and visit them. After looking at the calendar, and between both Joel and my schedules – we didn’t have four days in a row that were gonna work.

Unless we left that day.

Six hours later.

And drove all night.

And we tend to get carsick.

But we survived. (Barely.) And had 43 hours of fun together, before packing back in for another 15 hours home.

Golden Labrador playing ballGolden Labrador playing ballPretty cats doing cute stuffGolden Labrador playing ballAlice & Ames DressesThe boys took off to go fishing at the world-famous San Juan River (and nearly died of hypothermia) and us girls played in the yard of our Airbnb. Can you believe this view from the porch? Those cottonwood trees were magical! Ever spent hours playing fetch with the dogs, and sitting next to the cat, as you can imagine, this was as close to heaven as she could get!

Best kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesAlice & Ames DressesBest kids clothes brandsBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & Ames

This little guy is the most smily kid out there. I don’t know HOW they got two sweet babies in a row, but they did! They moved before he was born, so we  have only seen him a couple times, but he’s so much fun to be around – and he’s got the hang of FaceTime now, so he finally “knows” who we are… I think, haha!

Best kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Zara kidsBest kids clothes brands: Zara kidsBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Zara kidsBest kids clothes brands: Zara kidsBest kids clothes brands: Alice & AmesBest kids clothes brands: Zara kidsBest kids clothes brands: Alice & Ames

The boys would like to make another trip out to fish and do outdoorsy stuff. So long as I get more baby-holding time in at a fancy Airbnb, I can handle it, haha!

(Ever wearing Alice + Ames)